For Patients
What happens during the intake appointment?
The intake process begins with an approximately 1-2 hours intake phone call with Stacy. We use this time to learn about your health history, what brought you to us and what you’re looking for now. Once this is complete, you will have the second part of your intake, an appointment with Dan to evaluate your immune responses.
What happens at your AIT intake appointment with Dan?
Dan may further discuss your concerns with you to gather additional information or begin testing right away. Dan assesses your immune functioning using AIT, the non-invasive, integrated system he has been developing over the past 40 years. He will then let you know his findings on what is impacting your immune function, and make specific recommendations. This may include a targeted protocol using clinical nutrition, homeopathic immune support formulas, or a combination of the two. If Dan does not think that AIT is your best option, he will let you know that as well and give you any input he may have on options he believes may work better for you.
I have a number of health issues. Can Dan help with everything?
AIT work is generally done in phases and stages. Although we can often address many if not all of your health concerns, we don’t work on everything simultaneously. For example we may be identifying and addressing immediate or acute conditions and causes, supporting your immune system in: clearing detox pathways, repairing/supporting damaged organs, tissues or systems, reducing inflammatory responses, regulating hormone systems, re-building systems and doing preventative work—to name a few of the stages. These phases are not necessarily linear, and we may need to circle back to one or more phases during the course of treatment. Humans are complex; we don’t oversimplify; we do honor and deal with that complexity.
How often do I see Dan?
It depends. For many, if you are reasonably stable, monthly or bimonthly appointments work well. People in an acute stage or with chronic or more serious conditions may need to be tested by Dan more frequently at first or during intervals while in recovery and as they improve.
How long will it take to get well?
It depends. We don’t know, although sometimes we have an educated guess. Humans are dynamic working systems moving in dynamic, changing environments, so expectations often shift throughout the working period. Most folks come to us after being or feeling ill for a long time or experiencing a decline or plateau in their health. Patients come with challenging conditions with unknown or unclear causes, poor prognosis or unsatisfactory results so far. They come when, in spite of their very best and considerable efforts to get resolution, then haven’t been able to get well. Bottom line? AIT takes time, helping you get well can be like unraveling a mystery and it is rarely a quick fix or a direct path.
Do you accept insurance?
No, sadly, we are not covered by insurance.
Do you work with patients who live at a distance, in other parts of the state, country or outside the U.S.?
Yes. We’re able to work with patients regardless of distance.
When do people come to Dan for help instead of going elsewhere?
Folks often come to Dan for help when they feel exhausted, stuck, hopeless, fed up, frightened, desperate, and determined to find answers and get results they haven’t been able to elsewhere. Often, they aren’t sure what to do next or don’t like their current options. They come because although they don’t have the answers, they do know that they want and need to get the resolution they are looking for. They often have serious, complicated medical issues that have not been figured out by their healthcare team. Some people come because they have been let down by conventional medicine and are dedicated to finding a holistic course of treatment. And some folks come because they are out of options altogether and they need help.
I have a number of health issues. Can Dan help with everything?
AIT work is generally done in phases and stages. Although we can often address many if not all of your health concerns, we rarely work on everything simultaneously, at the same time. AIT treatment proceeds in carefully considered stages, employing a sequence and pacing that best supports your effective treatment and recovery. You can have the right treatment at the wrong time, which can block an otherwise effective protocol or even cause more problems and damage. You can come in like the seventh cavalry and amp everything up in an already compromised system and be ineffective at best or create more problems, which then need to be addressed to get better. We don’t do that. Instead, we work in carefully considered, individually developed sequences, at the optimum rate for getting the work done for you, individually, given your current capacity and issues. We may circle back to one or more phases during the course of treatment at a different level, as progress is rarely linear. We humans are complex organisms; we don’t oversimplify; we honor and deal with that complexity.
What if I have a question between appointments?
We respond to your questions via email, text or phone during business hours, M-F, usually within 24 hours. Your more general or extensive questions are addressed during appointments. If you have a long list of questions you need answered, you can always make an appointment specifically for that purpose and we’ll do our best to address them.
If you’d like more information on how we work, please see our Services page. If you have questions or you’d like to schedule a brief consult so we can determine if AIT is a right next step, please get in touch.